What’s Up With Half Air?
If you have read Half Air with any regularity you have noticed that a lot has changed since the beginning of the year. The main thing is the frequency of posts. I’ve dropped from three a week to once every two to three weeks. Also, the content has changed. Gone are the gameplay videos and Friday Quick Shots. These changes have occurred for a couple of reasons.
The first is simply a matter of time. When I started Half Air many told me three posts a week was ambitious. It was, but I knew that if I wanted to build up a steady readership I needed to provide enough consistent content to keep people coming back. This is great if running a blog is your main job. However, right now Half Air is only a hobby and trying to fit in three posts a week by myself on top of a full-time job, family time, household chores and other past time activities is just too much.
The second reason for the changes is the focus of the site. Simply put, it had none. Originally I was hoping to combine several of my interests into one. I loved writing, playing video games, and website and video editing. I thought Half Air would provide time and incentive for me to do all of these. Sometimes I had a brief idea or two I wanted to share (Quick Shots). Other times I had a larger point to make (Monday articles). Finally, while I certainly wanted to write from a Christian perspective, I didn’t necessarily want to attract a solely Christian readership. Therefore, I tried to touch upon a variety of topics. In my own way, I was attempting to be like Paul and become, “all things to all people.” (1 Corinthians 9:22)
The problem with this approach, as my wife pointed out one day during Living Room Time, was that no one knew exactly what to expect when they visited my site. Gamers might only be interested in watching my videos or reading articles that dealt with gaming. Readers who were looking for more faith-based articles might only find one out of every three or four articles to be of interest to them. In the end, it was hit or miss whether or not a visitor would find something that interested them.
I am not ready to drop Half Air just yet. I still enjoy having a place to share my thoughts and exercise my creativity. But I am moving forward with a few changes. For starters, I am cutting everything out of the main site except for long form posts and articles. Second, those posts will primarily be on topics that relate to my Christian faith. As I mentioned before, that was not my original intent. However, as time went on my desire was to write more faith-based articles, but my format required me to space them out. No more. I will write what I feel led to write, knowing that it might turn some readers away. That’s okay. God will lead people to my site if he wants, regardless of what my focus is. I’ve seen it happen before with my first website and the conversations I had with people who emailed me back then was some of the best evangelistic discussions I have ever had.
The third change is the frequency of posting. In addition to the time constraints I mentioned above, another factor in this decision is feedback. To date, any specific post has had only a handful of readers and retention is sporadic. I fully understand that I haven’t put in the extra effort necessary to build up readership. I’m also aware that many online ventures start off as a labor of love with the main reward being personal satisfaction and rarely go beyond that level. I would love Half Air to grow into something more than a hobby. However, right now, if I am doing it for my own enjoyment, I should actually enjoy doing it and keep it from being a burden or becoming something I resent.
What this means is I will stop, at least for the moment, trying to meet some self-appointed deadline. Instead, I will write when I have something meaningful to say, take the appropriate time to research, prepare, and edit the piece, and post when I am satisfied. This might mean there are a couple of weeks between posts. Or I might post twice in a week. It all depends on what I have going on and where my interests lie.
So, that’s the plan. I would encourage you to send feedback on my articles by leaving comments or sending me an email. The more interest that is shown might prompt me to post more frequently. Additionally, please follow Half Air on twitter (@completelyfull). A tweet goes out every time something is posted so you don’t have to keep checking the actual site for new content. You will be notified of that. If you did like watching my gameplay videos you can still visit and subscribe to the Half Air YouTube channel. I occasionally post videos and, as with my articles, notifications of new videos are sent out via Twitter. Finally, please share this site with your friends if you like what you read or know someone else who might.
Thank you for reading and I look forward to posting many more articles as the months go by.