Wednesday Gameplay

Wednesday Gameplay

Last year my son informed me that he wanted to watch me play Tales From The Borderlands. I was okay with that, except for one thing. Andrew lived with his mother, was currently attending college and had a part time job. He just wasn’t around enough to see me play a story-based game that had a playtime of 10-13 hours. There was only one solution I could think of: I was going to have to record all my gameplay and post it on YouTube.

So that’s what I did. I had never recorded any gameplay prior to that. In fact, I wasn’t even sure I had a computer at the time that could do a decent job. Still, I gave it a shot and now, nearly fifteen episodes later, I have come to love recording and editing gameplay videos. I learned a lot over the past year (especially when I had major audio/video sync issues) and knew that I wanted to do more, so when I was developing Half Air I knew gameplay videos were going to play a role.

Starting next Wednesday, I will be posting a weekly gameplay session. It is my plan to avoid or filter excessive adult language and sensuality, as well as violence that I feel is too over the top or unnecessary. I am aware, however, that that is a judgment call and my judgment may not always be the best. So, to account for this, at the beginning of each video I will give you a brief description of what you can expect to see so that you can make your own decision.

But like I said, that will start next week. In the meantime, I will share with you a previously posted video of me playing Goat Simulator. This video is G-rated to, at the worst, PG, so there should be nothing of concern . . . unless you have a fear of goats. Also on my personal channel, you will find the previously mentioned Tales From The Borderlands videos. Be aware, however, that the video is posted without any content editing and some of the dialog does get a bit strong from time to time. Watch at your own risk.

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