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Tag: truth

Truth: God’s I.D.

Truth: God’s I.D.

Half Air faith article

The Royal Grand Plaza Hotel!

In your wildest dreams, you never imagined you’d be standing in the lobby of the Royal Grand Plaza. Towering marble columns line the walls. Breathtaking sculptures decorate the alcoves. A luxurious red carpet with gold patterns covers the floor. A massive white stone fountain, the lobby’s focal point, sits in the center of the room, it’s jets of water raining down upon the beautiful statue of a mermaid. The entire scene is illuminated by an elegant, multi-tiered glass chandelier hanging above the fountain.

You don’t know how they could afford it, but your best friend

Book Review: Talk The Walk by Steve Brown

Book Review: Talk The Walk by Steve Brown

Half Air faith article

For starters, I would like to thank Steve Brown for writing Talk The Walk. He has saved me a lot of time and effort.

When I was younger I was very prideful. I thought everyone should think as I do and I was quick to point out when someone was wrong. Fortunately, I am an introvert and, despite what I may have thought, I would often keep my mouth shut. Still, on the inside I seethed. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the ways others were wrong and how I could prove it to them if I had the opportunity (and the guts)!

Before I go any further, let me correct two things I just said. The first is that I felt this way when I

A Favorite Christmas Carol That Is Not Actually About Christmas

A Favorite Christmas Carol That Is Not Actually About Christmas

Christmas is still almost a month and a half away. That, however, doesn’t stop stores from setting out aisle after aisle of Christmas wrapping, decorations, cards and other holiday paraphernalia. Why should Half Air be any different? Just because it’s not even Thanksgiving doesn’t mean I can’t post an article about Christmas.

Joy to the world! The Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the World is a popular Christmas carol and a favorite of Christmas Eve services… Read more...