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Tag: Prayer

Lord, Cool It!

Lord, Cool It!

Half Air faith articleIt has been a rough couple of months for the Koch household. In August our air conditioning quit. Turned out the unit needed to be replaced. We knew that was coming eventually and had planned for it financially. What was not so great was the fact that it took nine days to diagnose and repair the system. That’s nine days without AC during a hot Florida summer. Fortunately, we had earned enough points to stay in a hotel during that time.

Thirty-six hours after our new AC unit was installed our residence experienced a significant power loss. We weren’t completely without electricity, but… Read more...

A Proper Perspective On Prayer In The Wake Of Hurricanes Harvey And Irma

A Proper Perspective On Prayer In The Wake Of Hurricanes Harvey And Irma

Within hours of Hurricane Irma passing our home in Central Florida, one of my wife’s co-workers texted her an article written by Dan Barker regarding prayer in the light of the recent storms in Texas and Florida. The gist of the article was this: The fact that hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit Texas and Florida despite the multiple prayers services that were held proves that prayer is powerless and is a waste of time. The issue of evil and disaster existing in a world that is under the care of a loving God is very complex and often difficult to understand or explain. Many scholars have wrestled with… Read more...