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Tag: love

God’s Palette

God’s Palette

Half Air faith article

God’s Law is black and white.

Worship only God. Do not steal. Do not murder. Honor your parents. Do not commit adultery. Do not be deceitful. Honor God’s sabbath (day of rest). Avoid jealousy and greed (Exodus, Deuteronomy).

Source: Brett Sayles, Pexels

Yet throughout scripture, we find example after example of God treating these commands as though they are grey.  Over and over, we read about people who break the rules, yet appear to be left off the hook, in many cases even receiving honor and blessing.

The prostitute Rahab lied to city officials, yet she was accepted by the Israelites and became

Recovering Our Identity

Recovering Our Identity

Half Air faith article

If you’ve never seen the 1998 movie The Red Violin, I would highly recommend it. Using a series of flashbacks, the movie follows the title’s namesake through key moments in its history up until modern day, when it is being prepared for auction. Appraiser Charles Morritz (played by Samuel L. Jackson) suspects this particular item might be the legendary last violin made by Nicolo Bussotti, a famous luthier. After authenticating its true identity, Morritz desires to own the violin himself and contrives a plan to replace the original with a copy whose identity is significantly less impressive.

Why I Wear A Mask

Why I Wear A Mask

Half Air

“To wear or not to wear? That is the question.”
                  W. Shakespeare, were he alive today [1]

In these days of the Coronavirus pandemic, masks are all the rage. I mean that in both the positive and negative sense of the word. All around us people wear them as though they are the new fashion craze. Many people are sporting the basic medical white and blue. Others choose to wear fancy (and not so fancy) homemade varieties. And then there are those who don futuristic hi-tech models that look like something out of a cos-player’s wardrobe. Of course, the purpose of these masks is not to to keep up with the latest fashion

You Would Catch A Grenade? Really?

You Would Catch A Grenade? Really?

Half Air life article

Several weeks ago, Deborah and I were watching a singing competition show and one of the contestants was given Bruno Mars’ Grenade to perform. While speaking about his motivation for the song, the contestant admitted in an interview that he had never been in a relationship where he loved the person so much he would give his life for them. (John 15:13) At this, I paused the show and asked my wife a question.

“What do you think is easier (or should I say more realistic), to tell someone you would give your life for them, but chicken out and save yourself if the situation actually did arise; or admit that you

Television’s Love Scale Is Out Of Balance

Television’s Love Scale Is Out Of Balance

Half Air faith articleAbout a year ago, my wife and I jumped aboard the binge-watching train. In our case, however, you might classify it as “semi-binge,” since it usually takes us a couple of months to watch an entire television series instead of just a couple of weekends. Typically, our show of choice is a comedy-drama. Some are more comedic. Some are more dramatic. What is consistent is that they have interesting storylines and characters that hold our interest. However, there is one common theme many of these shows have that we would both like to see significantly minimized. That is all the sex.

Let me take a moment …