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Tag: Life

Building A Game Library With Pocket Change

Building A Game Library With Pocket Change

Half Air life articleThere is that life concept that states when we are young we have a lot of time but not enough money to do what we really want to do, but as we get older we then have enough money, but not enough time. As a gamer, this concept is equally true, except that you can replace money with video games. Such is certainly the case with me.

Going back fifteen years or more, I pretty much had to buy any game I played for full price, or at a slight discount if it was on sale. Back then that usually meant something within the $20-$40 dollar range. If a publisher gave away their game for free, it typically was either a demo or shareware, Read more...

10 Video Games That Will Never Be Made

10 Video Games That Will Never Be Made

In 2002 I wrote my first (and only) computer game. It was a text adventure called Augustine that I programmed for that year’s Interactive Fiction competition. My game tied for 13th out of 38 and was a runner-up for the Best Story and Best Setting categories in the XYZZY Awards. Not bad for a first attempt.

I have not created any more computer or video games since that time, with the exception of possibly making a custom track in Trials HD solely for the purpose of gaining an achievement. When you look at some of my other ideas for video games, perhaps you’ll understand why. Here is my list of 10 video game… Read more...

This Hallmark Movie Is Too Ridiculous . . . IMO ;-)

This Hallmark Movie Is Too Ridiculous . . . IMO ;-)

There is that saying that goes, “You don’t really know someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” A couple of weekends ago I think I walked a mile in my son’s shoes, at least when it comes to watching movies. He, like most people, enjoys movies. However, every now and then he gets a little perturbed when the facts of a movie don’t quite line up with reality. I’m not talking about fanciful stuff, like Indiana Jones surviving a leap from a plane with the assistance of an inflatable raft; Star Wars dogfights complete with sound, explosions and the appearance of gravity in the vacuum of space; or superheroes.… Read more...

I Am That Ugly American (Redeux)

I Am That Ugly American (Redeux)

Back when I used to write for a website called Reality TV Talk, I posted an article entitled “I Am That Ugly American.” Originally, the article was part of a series of recaps I was writing in 2011 for the fourteenth season of The Amazing Race. It was one of my favorite pieces and I have referenced it several times over the past several years as it deals with my personal lack of desire for foreign travel, a preference that is challenged time and time again. This week I wanted to share that article with you.  Please note, the context of the article has been edited to bring it up to date and … Read more...

We Suck At Grey

We Suck At Grey

America likes to take sides. If I am talking abouts sports, games or some other competition, that would be okay. But I’m not. I’m talking about life. For years now it appears that we are more and more becoming a nation of us and them, and it’s only gotten worse in the past several months. Every week there is another event or news story that causes people to dig in and man their battle stations. One recent event got me to thinking about what the core cause of the problem is and how we might begin to change it. Of course, the event I’m talking about are the restrictions regarding wearing white after Labor Day.… Read more...