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Tag: Life

I’ve Committed Myself

I’ve Committed Myself

Half Air life article

I believe there comes a point in most Americans’ lives (several points, if they are being completely honest) where they examine their body, weight or overall health and say to themselves, “I really need to make a change.” I’ve recently reached one of those points in my life. My weight was the highest it’s ever been. My clothes were beginning to get too tight. Dietary constraints had relaxed to a point that I was eating and drinking much, much more than I should. I was overdue for a lifestyle change.

This isn’t the first time I’ve come to this realization.… Read more...

Coincidence? Perhaps.

Coincidence? Perhaps.

Half Air life article

I’m sure something like this has happened to you. You purchase a brand new maroon Honda Accord. While driving around town the following week you spot an unusually large number of Honda Accords on the road. Not only that, many of them are maroon!

Or here’s another scenario. Sometime during the day you hear a reference to an old 80’s song and you remark, “I haven’t thought of that song in years!” Later, in your car (possibly your new maroon Honda Accord) and turn on the radio. Before you pass through the first intersection the station is playing the same song! … Read more...

Community: Then, Now and Throughout Eternity

Community: Then, Now and Throughout Eternity

Half Air life articleA while ago, sometime around the start of the millennia, I wrote an essay entitled “The Impossible Task” that I posted on a website I ran. One of its themes was that it was impossible for us to accurately imagine what life in Heaven will be like. This is due to the fact that any attempt to picture an eternal kingdom, devoid of sin, that satisfies us completely is tainted by our own personal wants and desires that are born out of and grounded in our sinful existence on Earth. Despite that, this past week I believe I’ve keyed in on one aspect of Heaven that I’m sure is true and to which… Read more...

Three Tabletop Games I Wish I Had Time To Play

Three Tabletop Games I Wish I Had Time To Play

Half Air life articleI could sure use an additional three hours of awake time every day. Who couldn’t? Now, admittedly, three hours is an arbitrary number. Some days I could use a little more, some a little less. The point is, I have more things I need to do (or more accurately, want to do) than I have time in the day.

The next question is if I had that time, would I use it wisely? The truthful answer is probably not, at least not all the time. Sure, I do have legitimate projects (such as Half Air) that really could use more of my attention during the course of the week. Additionally, I could help out with some community or church projects.… Read more...

Most Entertaining Thing About Trump Article Has Nothing To Do With Trump

Most Entertaining Thing About Trump Article Has Nothing To Do With Trump

Half Air life articleThank you MSN.COM! This morning I was struggling to think of something to write for my Friday Quick Shots. I had little to nothing. Then this gem came across my news ticker: an article posted on MSN titled “Meet the Man Who Deactivated Trump’s Twitter Account.” What was entertaining about the article was not the information contained within, but how the article was written.

Here are a few choice quotes:

“One such moment took place earlier this month, when the very active, very watched Twitter account of President Donald Trump was for 11 minutes.”

Obviously, some words had been omitted near the end… Read more...