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Tag: hugh ross

Book Review: Beyond the Cosmos by Hugh Ross

Book Review: Beyond the Cosmos by Hugh Ross

Half Air faith article

The relationship between Christianity and science has certainly been a roller coaster ride. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Church embraced science, viewing it as a way to increase their knowledge about God’s creation and, through it, learn more about God. (Rom 1:19-20) Many scientific advancements and discoveries of that time were made by scientists with a strong religious faith. [1] Over the past century or so that has certainly changed. Today, science is often held up as the antithesis to faith; the more one learns about how our universe works the less he needs to hold on to a belief

Three Books To Read In 2019

Three Books To Read In 2019

I’m well aware that what I am about to say may upset some of you. Still, I am not afraid to say it.

Over the past year, I have come to prefer reading books digitally instead of in the traditional bound paper format.

I know there are many bibliophiles who bemoan the move to digital, saying it’s destroying the book industry and eliminating jobs. Unless you are a collector, I believe the value of a book is the information it contains, not the paper it is printed on or the ink that forms the words. That same information is relayed regardless of format: paper, digital, or audio. As far as jobs, well that is a complete