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Tag: Heaven

Here Or Eternity

Here Or Eternity

Half Air faith article

May 21, 2011.Ā  The day that marked the end of the world.


At least, thatā€™s what one particular religious organization believed. Their claim gained some traction in the news and on billboards, but not many people took the warning seriously.Ā  I know I didnā€™t.Ā  There had been many similar, failed predictions, and the Bible makes it clear that no will know when that time is (Matt. 24: 36).

Still, there was no reason the world couldnā€™t have ended on that day . . . or any day, for that matter. Godā€™s plans could have coincidently lined up with someoneā€™s off-the-wall prediction. Just to

Book Review: Home By Elyse Fitzpatrick

Book Review: Home By Elyse Fitzpatrick

Half Air faith article

I would suspect that the general concept of heaven is pretty universal. While it might be called something different depending on a personā€™s religion or belief system, the idea of a place where humans will live once this life is over is understood by most, regardless of whether they believe such a place actually exists or not. For the Christian, Heaven represents eternal existence with our Creator, free from the effects or influence of sin. Heaven should be the home they ultimately long for and a motivation to help them live a life honoring to God. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Part of

Three Books To Read In 2019

Three Books To Read In 2019

Iā€™m well aware that what I am about to say may upset some of you. Still, I am not afraid to say it.

Over the past year, I have come to prefer reading books digitally instead of in the traditional bound paper format.

I know there are many bibliophiles who bemoan the move to digital, saying itā€™s destroying the book industry and eliminating jobs. Unless you are a collector, I believe the value of a book is the information it contains, not the paper it is printed on or the ink that forms the words. That same information is relayed regardless of format: paper, digital, or audio. As far as jobs, well that is a complete

Heavenly Clue

Heavenly Clue

Half Air life articleMany people have speculated on what Heaven might be like. One particular view that I find appealing is the idea that weā€™ll be able to hang out with Jesus just like he was one of the gang. That would be great . . . most of the time.

Do you remember in my last article (Yeah, I know. Itā€™s been a while.) when I implied that I would love to have gaming group in Heaven? I still think that would be a blast, but Iā€™m not sure I would want the Son of God to sit in on game night.

Imagine Frank, Harry, Susan and Jesus are sitting down to play a fun game of Clue. The game is just beginning and it is Frankā€™s turn. He rolls the dice and moves

Community: Then, Now and Throughout Eternity

Community: Then, Now and Throughout Eternity

Half Air life articleA while ago, sometime around the start of the millennia, I wrote an essay entitled ā€œThe Impossible Taskā€ that I posted on a website I ran. One of its themes was that it was impossible for us to accurately imagine what life in Heaven will be like. This is due to the fact that any attempt to picture an eternal kingdom, devoid of sin, that satisfies us completely is tainted byĀ our own personal wants and desires that are born out of and grounded in our sinful existence on Earth. Despite that, this past week I believe Iā€™ve keyed in on one aspect of Heaven that Iā€™m sure is true and to which I am looking forward: Community.… Read more...