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Tag: Faith

I Invented A New Religion . . .

I Invented A New Religion . . .

Half Air faith article

. . . And it was not easy!

Before you start picking up stones and cry, “Blasphemer!” let me explain.

If you’ve been here for a while and looked around, you probably know that I run a sister site to Half Air called Tev’s Next Idea.   If you like fantasy and/or role-playing games, you might want to check it out. TNI is where I share my interest in solo role-playing by postings stories based playthroughs of various “pen and paper” games.

I’ve enjoyed solo role-playing since 2019 and, as a scan of my archive will show, I went all in for the first few years.  I was learning, reading, playing, and writing SRPGs … Read more...

Everything But God

Everything But God

Half Air faith article For [God’s] invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.  (Romans 1:20)

In the verse above, the apostle Paul was clearly writing about how all of nature stands as witness to the existence of God.  Rocks, trees, streams, and mountains may not have a small stamp near their base that reads “Made in Heaven” or a sticker that announces, “Quality Checked by God,” but nature still can begin to give us insight into God, insight that hopefully will lead to scripture.… Read more...

Here Or Eternity

Here Or Eternity

Half Air faith article

May 21, 2011.  The day that marked the end of the world.


At least, that’s what one particular religious organization believed. Their claim gained some traction in the news and on billboards, but not many people took the warning seriously.  I know I didn’t.  There had been many similar, failed predictions, and the Bible makes it clear that no will know when that time is (Matt. 24: 36).

Still, there was no reason the world couldn’t have ended on that day . . . or any day, for that matter. God’s plans could have coincidently lined up with someone’s off-the-wall prediction.… Read more...

The “JOB” Assumption

The “JOB” Assumption

Half Air faith article

I’ll be honest with you.  It’s the beginning of 2024, and I have no great ideas about what to write. With that being the case, I’ll just share some of the thoughts I’ve had while reading through the Bible this year.

If you’ve been reading this blog, you know I am following The Bible Recap reading plan and podcast. TBR follows a chronological order of scripture, and recently we read through the book of Job. This book is often used as a study in godly suffering, faithfulness, or patience, but what I have particularly focused on was how our attempts to simplify our understanding of a complex God could… Read more...

Painting With God’s Palette

Painting With God’s Palette

Source: Pexels
Half Air faith article

Many years ago, God began to lay the LGBTQ community on my heart. He was not leading me on some big mission to turn as many people as I could away from an immoral lifestyle.  Nor was I being called to raise and direct as much aid and comfort as I was able. It was simply this: Start intentionally thinking about how, as a Christian, I should view and interact with the LGBTQ community.

At the time, I could think of no pressing reason why this would have been the case.  Over the years, I’ve known and worked with people who were gay or lesbian but have never felt that it affected how I personally… Read more...