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Tag: eternity

Here Or Eternity

Here Or Eternity

Half Air faith article

May 21, 2011.  The day that marked the end of the world.


At least, that’s what one particular religious organization believed. Their claim gained some traction in the news and on billboards, but not many people took the warning seriously.  I know I didn’t.  There had been many similar, failed predictions, and the Bible makes it clear that no will know when that time is (Matt. 24: 36).

Still, there was no reason the world couldn’t have ended on that day . . . or any day, for that matter. God’s plans could have coincidently lined up with someone’s off-the-wall prediction. Just to

Book Review: Home By Elyse Fitzpatrick

Book Review: Home By Elyse Fitzpatrick

Half Air faith article

I would suspect that the general concept of heaven is pretty universal. While it might be called something different depending on a person’s religion or belief system, the idea of a place where humans will live once this life is over is understood by most, regardless of whether they believe such a place actually exists or not. For the Christian, Heaven represents eternal existence with our Creator, free from the effects or influence of sin. Heaven should be the home they ultimately long for and a motivation to help them live a life honoring to God. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Part of

Quick Shots for 8/25/2017

Quick Shots for 8/25/2017

Bachelor In Paradise Update: If we’ve learned one thing from this season of Bachelor In Paradise, it’s that Ben Zorn is a dog guy. He loves dogs. He owns a dog. He admires women who love dogs. Most of his conversations revolve around the topic of dogs, especially his dog. In fact, rumor has it that Ben Z. will be the leading man in an upcoming spin-off from the Bachelor franchise. Twenty-five promising pedigrees will be moving into the Bachelor Doghouse. Each week Ben will be taking the canines on a series of group and one-on-one walks before deciding who to send home at each emotional leash ceremony.… Read more...