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Tag: COVID-19

Naaman, The COVID-19 Vaccine, and Faith In God

Naaman, The COVID-19 Vaccine, and Faith In God

Half Air faith article

Like everyone else, I am ready for COVID-19 to be over. My reasons, however, probably differ from most other people’s. Introverted as I am, I don’t mind the lock-downs, social distancing, and remote meetings. Masks don’t bother me. They’re just another article of clothing that offers me the opportunity to express myself while protecting others. I feel the vaccine is a no-brainer. A little discomfort and inconvenience is a small price to pay to stay healthy enough to continue to do God’s work, including caring for my wife and children. What I don’t like about COVID is all the division that has arisen

Half Air On Air – Episode 5: The COVID-19 Anniversary Show

Half Air On Air – Episode 5: The COVID-19 Anniversary Show


One day after this episode posts will mark the one-year anniversary of when COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic. After a brief discussion of Deborah’s Adventures in Hair Coloring, we discuss what activities we look forward to doing once COVID restrictions are eased and we feel more comfortable being out and about.

What are you looking forward to doing? Share in the comments or write to us at the email below.



Twitter: @completelyfull 



Reckless Love – The COVID-19 Cover

Reckless Love – The COVID-19 Cover

Over the past several months, my wife Deborah and I have really taken a liking to the Cory Asbury worship song Reckless Love. Deborah wanted to record her own cover of the song but desired to do something special to bring attention to God’s continued presence throughout this entire pandemic. To this end we reached out to the members of our church as asked for photographs taken this year that expressed God’s love in their lives. Below is the completed video. Enjoy.

Why I Wear A Mask

Why I Wear A Mask

Half Air

“To wear or not to wear? That is the question.”
                  W. Shakespeare, were he alive today [1]

In these days of the Coronavirus pandemic, masks are all the rage. I mean that in both the positive and negative sense of the word. All around us people wear them as though they are the new fashion craze. Many people are sporting the basic medical white and blue. Others choose to wear fancy (and not so fancy) homemade varieties. And then there are those who don futuristic hi-tech models that look like something out of a cos-player’s wardrobe. Of course, the purpose of these masks is not to to keep up with the latest fashion

How Does Crisis Lead to Christ
. . . That Was a Question

How Does Crisis Lead to Christ
. . . That Was a Question

Half Air faith article

For several weeks now, pretty much as long as we’ve been living this “shut-in” existence, I’ve mulled over writing this article. This week’s online sermon on the topic of Doubt offered me further motivation to make this post.

The sermon’s primary target audience was Christians who might be experiencing doubts about how God will see them through the current COVID-19 pandemic or questioning things in scripture they don’t understand. Those are not the doubts I have. Sure, at times I might question the validity of my faith, but those musings are typically short-lived. As I shared in my last article