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Tag: Christmas

Three Christian Christmas Tales

Three Christian Christmas Tales

Half Air faith articleAs Christmas rapidly approaches, I thought I would take the next two weeks to share several tales that look at the holiday from a Christian perspective. Whether you are a believer or not, I hope you find these stories entertaining, informational and quite possibly inspirational.

You Can’t Spell Christmas Without “Christ” . . . Or Can You?

Merry Xmas! You’ve probably seen this alternative spelling for the traditional holiday greeting several times in your life. Furthermore, if are a Christian, or know someone who is, there is a good chance you are familiar with the protests about how replacing

My Decked Halls

My Decked Halls

Half Air life articleThis past weekend I decorated my house for Christmas. No, I don’t have a tradition of decorating the day after Thanksgiving, as do some families. I just do it when I have time, which happened to be right after Thanksgiving.

While I do enjoy the Christmas season and feel that Jesus’ birth certainly deserves celebration, I’m not one to go all out with the decorations. In fact, my entire collection fits in two boxes: one for the tree, one for everything else. If it doesn’t fit, it isn’t kept.

Christmas Storage Box

The first thing I set up is my little ole’ fiber optic tree. After my first wife and I separated, I inherited everything

A Favorite Christmas Carol That Is Not Actually About Christmas

A Favorite Christmas Carol That Is Not Actually About Christmas

Christmas is still almost a month and a half away. That, however, doesn’t stop stores from setting out aisle after aisle of Christmas wrapping, decorations, cards and other holiday paraphernalia. Why should Half Air be any different? Just because it’s not even Thanksgiving doesn’t mean I can’t post an article about Christmas.

Joy to the world! The Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the World is a popular Christmas carol and a favorite of Christmas Eve services