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Tag: Assassin’s Creed

Quick Shots for 12/15/2017

Quick Shots for 12/15/2017

First of all, I have a quick follow up to Wednesday’s gameplay video. Anyone who saw me fail to receive a gold star on the final level of Farm Frenzy by 38 seconds will be happy to know that I gave it another shot and easily beat the time by about three minutes. Losing that sheep definitely cost me during my first attempt.

No joke, last night I woke up snoring, even though I was wearing my sleep apnea mask. What’s up with that!?!?

And The Winner Is . . . 

Ranch Dressing!

Ranch Dressing

With Italian coming in at a close second.

Hands down, Wal-Mart has the best Christmas commercial this season . . . and I’m basing that mainly