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Tag: air conditioning

Quick Shots for 08/11/2017

Quick Shots for 08/11/2017

When asking someone to adjust the air conditioning, telling them to ā€œTurn it up,ā€ isnā€™t good enough. Not everyone has the same A/C speak. Itā€™s best to specify if you want it cooler or warmer. If you donā€™t, you might find your Florida home nearing 100Ā° after you ask your daughter, ā€œPlease turn up the air.ā€

They need a topic filter on Facebook and Twitter. Iā€™m very interested in a game journalistā€™s opinions on video games. Iā€™m not necessarily interested in their opinions on politics.

I saw a new commercial this week. It opens with a shot of an elderly woman gazing upon her newborn great granddaughter.