Quick Shots for 08/11/2017

Quick Shots for 08/11/2017

When asking someone to adjust the air conditioning, telling them to “Turn it up,” isn’t good enough. Not everyone has the same A/C speak. It’s best to specify if you want it cooler or warmer. If you don’t, you might find your Florida home nearing 100° after you ask your daughter, “Please turn up the air.”

They need a topic filter on Facebook and Twitter. I’m very interested in a game journalist’s opinions on video games. I’m not necessarily interested in their opinions on politics.

I saw a new commercial this week. It opens with a shot of an elderly woman gazing upon her newborn great granddaughter. Then, we are treated a montage of scenes from the great grandmother’s younger years which include her as a small child running to hide in a cabinet during a WWII bomb attack, her a year or two later approaching a U.S. Immigration counter, and her working as a young woman in a sweat shop sewing clothes. While we watch, the woman tells of the struggles she’s endured and the obstacles she overcame to give her great granddaughter opportunities she herself never had.

By way of prediction, I ask my wife, “So, is this a commercial for Tampax… or University of Phoenix?”

Guess what?

University of Phoenix! FTW!!!!

(I really wanted it to be Tampax.)

“Pedal Stool!”

… that one’s for Deborah

When I was involved with the GadgetHovel Toddcast I used to tweet about opportunities to receive or win free video games. Now that I have started my own blog, I am continuing that tradition. Just follow Half Air’s Twitter Feed for information on how you can get hooked up with some great (and not so great) game codes, as well as be notified when something new posts on the site.


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