Opportunities To Support
Half Air

Opportunities To Support
Half Air

Hello and thanks for visiting Half Air. I would like to take a few paragraphs to let you know how you can support my blog. While making a living solely from Half Air would be a dream, the reality is that I’m a far, far way from achieving that goal and, if I’m being honest, the likelihood of that ever happening is slim. Still, it would be nice if Half Air could generate at least a small about of income to cover the costs associated with running a website. To that end, I have affiliated with other sellers. Below are a few ways you can donate to Half Air while shopping at this online retailer.

  1. Use the sidebar banner to visit sites that help fund Half Air. The banner can be found on the right-hand side of the screen under the section “Support Half Air.” When you visit a site using that link, all purchases will help support this site. If you use an ad-blocker, please consider white-listing Half Air to view and utilize any banners on the site.
  1. Purchase books, movies or any other products through links in my articles. Several of my articles reference books, movies, video games or other products. When they do, I will add a link in the post (usually the first time the item is mentioned) that will take you to the appropriate product page. Any purchases made using that link will help support this site.

Finally, please share this site and any articles you like with your friends. Increased traffic and recognition helps more than you probably know. Thanks.

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