Heavenly Clue
Many people have speculated on what Heaven might be like. One particular view that I find appealing is the idea that we’ll be able to hang out with Jesus just like he was one of the gang. That would be great . . . most of the time.
Do you remember in my last article (Yeah, I know. It’s been a while.) when I implied that I would love to have gaming group in Heaven? I still think that would be a blast, but I’m not sure I would want the Son of God to sit in on game night.
Imagine Frank, Harry, Susan and Jesus are sitting down to play a fun game of Clue. The game is just beginning and it is Frank’s turn. He rolls the dice and moves Professor Plum into the study.
“I’ll say it was Mrs. White in the study with the knife.”
Immediately Harry can disprove this by showing his knife card to Frank. Next, it is Harry’s turn. He roles and moves Mr. Green through the ballroom door.
“It was done in the Ballroom. And I’ll say . . . ” Harry pauses while he examines his clue sheet. “. . . Mrs. Peacock with the rope.”
Susan checks her cards and has nothing. Next, it’s Jesus’ turn to prove the suggestion wrong. He grins as he carefully shows his ballroom card to Harry, making sure the other two players don’t see it.
Susan, who is playing Mrs. Scarlet, rolls and comes up one space too short to enter a room. Play passes to Jesus and he stuns everyone by exclaiming, “I’m going to make an accusation!” Frank, Harry, and Susan look at him with questioning and shocked expressions.
“It was Mr. Green in the conservatory with the wrench.”
Jesus picks up the envelope marked “Confidential” and removes the three cards contained inside. He glances at them for a second before revealing them to the group. Mr. Green. Conservatory. Wrench.
“What? Did you cheat?” Harry asks absurdly.
Jesus shrugs apologetically. “I’m omniscient. It’s not cheating if I just happen to know what cards are in the envelope.”
“That’s true,” Susan agrees.
Resignedly, Harry gives in. “I guess your right.”
And as quickly as it began, game night was over.