Extra Life 2017

Extra Life 2017

Extra Life

Extra Life Gameday 2017 is quickly approaching. If you are unfamiliar with Extra Life, they are an organization that connects gamers with sick and injured kids by raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network. One of the ways they do this is by holding a Gameday when people raise sponsorship and play video and board games for twenty-four hours. All the money raised goes to the various hospitals in the Children’s Miracle Network.

This year’s Gameday will be November 4th, just a little over a week from today. Last year I participated by organizing a team with my friends from GadgetHovel and The Crafting Rogue. While I was hoping to participate again this year, things came up that required my time and attention (such as launching Half Air) and didn’t feel I could put the appropriate effort into running a team. That being said, I still plan on sponsoring someone on a team that is associated with one of the podcasts to which I listen.

I want to urge you to consider supporting Extra Life and sponsoring a player this November 4th. The easiest way to do this is to check with a gaming website or podcast you already follow and see if they have a team you can either join or sponsor. Alternatively, you can go to the Extra Life website and either sign up to participate or donate directly. To sign up or get more information about Extra Life, just click here.

Share this with your friends online and continue to tell people about Half Air and maybe next year we will have enough readers to organize a Half Air team so we can play games and heal kids.

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