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Category: Quick Shots

Quick Shots For 12/08/2017

Quick Shots For 12/08/2017

Last weekend U2 was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. After watching their two performances I had only one thought: I really miss the U2 of the 1980’s and early 90’s.

I’m sure you’ve seen several ads on television for various prescription drugs. You know, the ones that tell you to “ask your doctor about . . .” You’re probably also familiar with the long lists of warnings, precautions, and disclaimers associated with these drugs. The one that always gets me is, “Don’t take this medication if you are allergic to this medication.”… Read more...

Quick Shots For 11/24/2017

Quick Shots For 11/24/2017

This past week I remembered that the group Styx had a song on their Grand Illusions album called “Castle Walls”. I remember listening to that song over and over again when I was a teenager, mainly because it has an instrumental bridge that sounded a lot like the theme from the movie Halloween. I promptly pulled up the song on Spotify. Terrence Koch and Spotify: Reliving childhood memories.

In the early 2000’s I was spending a lot of time in St. Augustine, Florida due to my job. It was that experience that inspired me to program Augustine, the text adventure game I wrote about elsewhere Read more...

Quick Shots for 11/17/2017: Batman/Superman Edition

Quick Shots for 11/17/2017: Batman/Superman Edition

This past week Deb and I saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I know this movie really got panned by critics and moviegoers alike, but I actually liked it. Now, I know one of the complaints was that the movie was a little hard to follow, and I’ll admit that you really had to pay close attention during the first half to have a decent grasp on the story. Still, I was able to keep up. Being familiar with DC comics certainly helped, as well.

Another minor issue was that the characters often did things that didn’t make a lot of sense. For instance, Batman (sorry, the Bat of Gotham) plants a tracking… Read more...

Quick Shots For November 3, 2017

Quick Shots For November 3, 2017

Chalk this one up to the “if I had only known” category.

If you have been following my Quick Shots then you are familiar with my discussions concerning the Nintendo Switch and my debating over whether or not to purchase one. As you probably know, I did end up buying a Switch and am loving it. However, this week I found out a little detail about the console that, had known about it sooner, I probably would not have had any hesitation in purchasing one.

This is not new information, but I only read about it this week. Beginning in 2018, Nintendo will offer a paid online membership at an extremely… Read more...

Quick Shots for 10/20/2017

Quick Shots for 10/20/2017

Well, I did it. This week I finally purchased a Nintendo Switch. Right now, however, all it does is just sit there, pretty much as shown in the picture below. That is because I have yet to purchase any games for it.

That should be remedied soon as I am planning on purchasing (perhaps by the time you are reading this) Stardew Valley (for myself) and Snipperclips (for family multi-player). Additionally, on my radar (probably as Christmas list options) are Mario + Rabbids and Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Besides these games, what would you suggest? Is there a particular game that I should consider checking… Read more...