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Author: Terrence Koch

The “JOB” Assumption

The “JOB” Assumption

Half Air faith article

I’ll be honest with you.  It’s the beginning of 2024, and I have no great ideas about what to write. With that being the case, I’ll just share some of the thoughts I’ve had while reading through the Bible this year.

If you’ve been reading this blog, you know I am following The Bible Recap reading plan and podcast. TBR follows a chronological order of scripture, and recently we read through the book of Job. This book is often used as a study in godly suffering, faithfulness, or patience, but what I have particularly focused on was how our attempts to simplify our understanding of a complex God could… Read more...

Recap Reminder

Recap Reminder

Connected churches. Great books. Knowledgeable and talented preachers and speakers. These are all wonderful in the life of a Christian.  But at the core of all of these should be the Bible.

The Bible is the recorded word of God given to us.  It is the canon, or standard, against which all these churches, books, and teachers are to be measured. It is the source of truth. The best way to understand God and His relation to us and the world is to study scripture.

With just under three weeks until the start of 2024, I wanted to take the time to remind you of The Bible RecapThe Bible Recap is a great… Read more...

Painting With God’s Palette

Painting With God’s Palette

Source: Pexels
Half Air faith article

Many years ago, God began to lay the LGBTQ community on my heart. He was not leading me on some big mission to turn as many people as I could away from an immoral lifestyle.  Nor was I being called to raise and direct as much aid and comfort as I was able. It was simply this: Start intentionally thinking about how, as a Christian, I should view and interact with the LGBTQ community.

At the time, I could think of no pressing reason why this would have been the case.  Over the years, I’ve known and worked with people who were gay or lesbian but have never felt that it affected how I personally… Read more...

God’s Palette

God’s Palette

Half Air faith article

God’s Law is black and white.

Worship only God. Do not steal. Do not murder. Honor your parents. Do not commit adultery. Do not be deceitful. Honor God’s sabbath (day of rest). Avoid jealousy and greed (Exodus, Deuteronomy).

Yet throughout scripture, we find example after example of God treating these commands as though they are grey.  Over and over, we read about people who break the rules, yet appear to be left off the hook, in many cases even receiving honor and blessing.

The prostitute Rahab lied to city officials, yet she was accepted by the Israelites and … Read more...

Half Air On Air – Episode 21: The Lasagna Police

Half Air On Air – Episode 21: The Lasagna Police

Nowadays, everyone is advertising that they are winning all sorts of awards or being rated the top in their class. But have you ever wondered exactly who is doing the ratings? Don’t worry too much about it, but if you do, stick around for Deb’s thoughts on how to handle worry.

Living Letters



Twitter: @completelyfull




Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod